Finding the Perfect Domain Name

Finding A Domain Name

Finding  the perfect name for your website is getting harder every day with many of the good domains already taken. And it’s not just the one website. Just when you’ve  finally found the perfect domain for your website  it’s time to start the search over again for your  blog or  maybe a specialty website for a particular neighborhood or niche.

Here are a few tools that might help in your search for the perfect domain name.

DOMIZE is a fast and private search engine that you can use to rapidly check the availability of domains.

Nowadays, it’s difficult to find a domain name that end with the popular .com, .net, and .org. Domainr helps you explore other TLD’s that have made popular websites like and stand out from the crowd. Searches will also include popular top-level domains that are available.

DOT-O-MATOR is a web tool that suggests site names based on prefixes and suffixes that you’ve entered (keywords). You can also use a category of prefixes (like “Tech” or “Homes”) and suffixes (like “Real Estate” or “Web 2.0 words”) to generate suggested site names for you. It’s a helpful tool for, at the very least, obtaining inspiration for a site name.

STUCKDOMAINS is a database of expired domain names that previous owners have not renewed. Definitely worth a look. Remember the domain craze a few years back when everyone was buying up as many domain names as they could think of.

Other domain names tools:

DOMAINTOOLS will help you uncover relevant information about certain domain names. They have a Whois search that reveals who registered the domain, a Suggestions search to help you find similar domain names, and a Domain Search that shows you what TLDs of a domain name are available.

One thought on “Finding the Perfect Domain Name

  1. I often use, and i have to say it’s one of the most useful sites I’ve come across online! I’m glad to see it in your list 🙂

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